A long-lost half
You know what loss is
It's when a girl fall in love
With someone who has loved before
So hard that it made him detached
From the world that once seemed so wonderful
And put against him a colorless world
Where life seems dull
And no beauty catches his attention
When living becomes a matter of breathing only
Where someone despite of all the best efforts
Losses somebody
And fails to get trust
Or even worse when a person is rejected
For not being enough
Or not financially stable, or just because
He chose his career before the girl he loves
Or been betrayed
Cause the other person could provide better
To the girl he wants to make his
The girl he thought would be there
In all the ups and downs
The girl he dreamt about every night
And loved so much that
She becomes his world
His every thought begins with her
Suddenly he thinks not less about life but more about her
And how to make it better with her
Just because he couldn't show his affection at time . Doesn't mean his love was lie
He could have shown it probably
If was made assured
That whatever happens
Whatever destiny brings before them
She will be there for him
But may be that's life where nothing is guaranteed
People choose each other make promises
And when comes the ardeous path
Separation happens
Im sure it has been the part of life
From the womb of mother
Till death
What astonishing is the attachment
Whether it's of a person or a thing
In whatever form it is
It either builds or ruin
So are humans supposed not to be obsessed
Or not to love beyond the boundaries
Is there any limit to this mania
Oh! these lingering questions
Have tempted again
Before it pervert
We must descry
Who's loss it was
The girl who loved him
And could offer a world to him
Or his, because once abandoned
Closes all the doors of happiness upon himself.
Farzana Shah
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